Grand Master WooSop was born in South Korea, adopted by American parents at age 12 with no English langue experience achieve honor roll and graduated with top honor at his high school. At age ten he studies Taekowndo in Korea and continue study and competing through middle and high school. During high school Grandmaster WooSop was selected to all-state first team in soccer. He received a full scholarship to play NCAA division soccer at Quincy University and transfer to the University of Missouri at St. Louis and received B.S. in music education and received Master in school administration from South West Baptist University.
Grand Master WooSop also coached high school soccer for a number of years while teaching music in Rockwood school district. He took the team to top ten soccer team in the state of Missouri. Grand Master WooSop is married 35 years with three children and four grandchildren. He has been employ at Rockwood School for 30 years.
Taekwondo Involvement
*Head instructor/School owner 20 years
*7th Dan Kukkiwon certified Grand master structor
*Missouri state president
*AC Certified coach
*Level 2 Certified coach
*AC and Level 1 Coach Presenter
*USAT Level B certified referee
National Coaching Experience
Junior Olympics coaching experience 20 years
Senior Nationals coaching experience 18 years
His Students accomplishments
1 athlete Silver Medalist at US open (USTU)1998
2 athlete Silver Medalist at Junior Olympics (USAT) 2000
1 Bronze Medalist at Junior Olympics (USAT) 2001
5 athletes at AAU Team trials 2005
4 athletes at AAU Team trials 2006
1 Silver Medalist at US open (USAT) 2008
1 Gold medalist at US Open (USAT) 2009
1 Gold medalist at Junior Olympics (USAT) 2010
1 athletes on Junior national team (USAT) 2010